Dear colleagues,
I hope that you and your families are well! Who could have imagined when meeting at the Fondation René Touraine (FRT) Science Day in autumn 2019, that a nightmare, like the one we have experienced this past year, would ever happen. Of course, all our hospitals had a pandemic plan, detailing what has to be done when a pandemic strike, but few read these plans and few had seriously considered that such a thing could happen during our lifetime. No wonder that we all, including our politicians, were caught off guard when SARS-CoV-2 was steadily spreading all over the world in early spring 2020. Now, more than one year later, the pessimists rather than the optimists were proven right – the virus has not gone away and we are dragging along from wave to wave from lockdown to lockdown. However, on the positive side, in unprecedented short time, several vaccines against this nasty virus have been designed, tested and made available for the roll-out of vaccination campaigns worldwide. Of course, for both logistic reasons and politics it will take some time until the entire world population will be vaccinated, but these vaccines are the literal bright lights at the end of the tunnel. Besides its impact on the health of so many people and on the economy, SARS-CoV-2 had and has the potential to disrupt established networks of scientific cooperation and certainly makes it more difficult to create new ones. We all have learned to interact via video-sessions and visit virtual congresses – but it’s not the same as standing in the hallways of a conference and, over a coffee, discussing personal life and professional ideas with colleagues.
Also the Rene Touraine Foundation had to forgo its traditional Science Day in 2020 which for 27 years has taken place in the ”Ministry of Research” and after in the “Musée des Moulages” in the ”Hôpital Saint-Louis”. Notwithstanding, this year we will start over and hold the FRT Science Day. We plan to have it as a “virtual” meeting. Another modification concerns the program. Another modification concerns the program. This year, not a skin cell or structural element of the skin will be at the center stage of the conference, but the COVID pandemic and its relevance for dermatologists and skin researchers. Furthermore, new developments in the field of inflammatory skin diseases will be presented and discussed. Phyllis Spuls the president of SPIN (Skin Inflammation & Psoriasis international Network – another action of the FRT) - has put together the exciting program!
We are looking forward to welcoming you for free, on screen, at our Science Day on November 19th 2021!
Stay healthy and stay safe!
Erwin Tschachler
Friday 22 November 2019, at Paris Musée des Moulages de l’Hôpital Saint-Louis, 1 avenue Claude Vellefaux - 75010 Paris.2018 - THE ROLE OF THE EXTRACELLULAR MATRIX IN SKIN PHYSIOLOGY AND PATHOLOGY
Friday 16 November 2018, at Paris Musée des Moulages de l’Hôpital Saint-Louis, 1 avenue Claude Vellefaux - 75010 Paris.2017 - NEURO-IMMUNE COMMUNICATION IN THE SKIN
Friday 17 November 2017, at Paris Musée des Moulages de l’Hôpital Saint-Louis, 1 avenue Claude Vellefaux - 75010 Paris.2016 - MICROBIOME AND SKIN
Friday 2 december 2016, at Paris l’amphithéâtre de l’HEGP, 20 rue Leblanc - 75015 Paris.